Review by Maricel Dragan
In the year 1866 French professor Anorax and his assistant Council embark on a voyage.
Tales of a huge cetacean wandering the oceans are in the mouth of every sailor. Stories spread throughout the 7 continents. Anorax is a biology expert, so he wants to know all about it. When he gets an offer to lead the expedition to the high seas, he can’t refuse.
From the shores of New York a journey to the deepest corners of the sea begins.
On board of the Abraham Lincoln, the professor meets the Canadian harpooner Ned Lad and the captain Farragut. The coast of New Jersey is the last remaining bit of soil they’ll see for a long time.
Captain Farragut has many years of experience. He recruited the best men to accomplish this important mission, find the creature and rid the oceans of it.
The Abraham Lincoln’s crew is ready to jump into the waters at the first sight of the monster.
Slowly they enter the Latin American coast and head down to Patagonia. Days are filled with routine checks, but nothing unusual happens. The Atlantic Ocean lays open. Sailors don’t know where to go next. Meanwhile professor Anorax reviews the frigate’s coordinates every minute.
One afternoon after many days in the high seas a heavy noise crush them apart.
The rest of the story unveils the encounter with the “monster”. Anorax, Council and Ned Lad go 20.000 miles under the sea on board of the Nautilus. They will discover faraway lands, extinct volcanos, glaciers and of course a new captain.
Although, this book was written in 1870 is still fun. It captures readers’ attention, giving an insight of life underwater.
If you’re looking for a fantasy book with a dash of science this book is for you. Each episode is about a new found spot in planet Earth.
The take way, I’d say is the author fascination for the natural world.
He lived through intense years of re-discovery in his home country France. Huge post –revolution changes took place at the time. The story echoes men desires to discover new places.
As we go through another self-discovery period in human history we can’t deny Jules Verne visionary world. This planet is full of treasures and so do Jules Verne’s books.
I’ll give 20.000 Miles Leagues Under the Sea 5 stars.