Allyson Olivia Recommends:

The Shack by WM. Paul Young

The Shack by WM Paul Young touched me so much, I found myself crying while I read this novel. This book made me realize that I still needed to forgive someone in my life. The book did a great job of describing one of the great mysteries in Christianity, The Trinity. This book is controversial because a number of people had a problem with God being depicted as a Black woman, but that is because they did not look at what that symbolizes. There are times in our life when we need the comfort of a mother and WM Paul Young described that so beautifully in his book.

How to Write a Movie in 21 Days: The Inner Movie Method by Viki King

How To Write A Movie in 21 Days was recommended by one of my writing professors. I am interested in screenwriting and this book is a great tool to get started. Very easy to read and follow. It also helps you with generating ideas.

Delighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith by Michael Reeves

Delighting In The Trinity was a very easy read about God, One God in three persons. This is a very complex idea for some to grasp and the author did a fantastic job at explaining The Trinity.

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